Boek over bestuiving

Voor alle vragen en berichten over inheemse en Europese orchideeën.

Moderator: Michiel Janssen

Jan Essink
Berichten: 979
Lid geworden op: wo nov 05, 2008 9:40 pm
Locatie: Elp

Boek over bestuiving

Bericht door Jan Essink »

There is a new publication for people which are more interested in pollination biology:
Paulus, H.F. (2019): Speciation, pattern recognition and the maximization of pollination – General questions and answers given by the reproductive biology of the orchid genus Ophrys. – J.Comp.Physiol. A
Pollination syndromes evolved under the reciprocal selection of pollinators and plants (coevolution). Here, the two main methods are reviewed which are applied to prove such selection. (i) The ...

Speciation, pattern recognition and the maximization of pollination: general questions and answers given by the reproductive biology of the orchid genus Ophrys
Pollination syndromes evolved under the reciprocal selection of pollinators and plants (coevolution). Here, the two main methods are reviewed which are applied to prove such selection. (i) The ...

hierbij de link ... 19-01350-4
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